Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Affiliate Marketing Secrets We're Not Supposed To Know

I was beyond frustrated. For eight years I tried everything under the sun to make money online, with no success. That changed in a single afternoon. I finally began making money online when I learned about the power of writing online product reviews.

I really wasn’t sure if the information I had been reading about this topic was a scam or not. But heck, I had tried tons of other supposed ‘quick money making plans’ before now, why not give this a test too?

So wrote a few reviews, followed what was suggested in the guide...and started earning affiliate commissions! I was honestly surprised. Blown away. Something so simple took 8 years for me to stumble on.

I can only imagine where I’d be today if I had found that information back when I first went online back around 1994. Anyhow, writing reviews was how I learned to make money promoting affiliate marketing products.


It takes money or some serious amount of creativity (and sometimes both) to promote other people’s affiliate products online in public areas.

Social networks and video sites are great places to promote affiliate products ‘free’ -- when there's no competition. If you can get there first or stand out the best you'll make money. Really, though, you’ll quickly find others will try to knock you out of popularity by flooding the networks with their own real or fabricated ‘experiences.’


Usually it’s best to write reviews on your own sites when there’s competition afoot. That way no one can directly compete against you in the same space – because you own your website and control what goes there.

Oh. If possible, use a blog for your reviews. There’s less hassles setting up and monetizing a blog (see my video detailing how to setup blogs at http://nichebloggingextreme.com/) than it takes to setup and manage a bunch of separate web pages.

With a blog you just type in your comments, save, and instantly you have a website with great content and a great appearance online. No web design skills ever needed unless you want to create a custom blog design [not worth the hassles and not recommended].

Plus a side benefit is Google LOVES product reviews posted on blogs more so than in web pages. (I know this firsthand).

To learn more about writing product reviews to promote affiliate products I recommend you grab a copy of this report: http://www.andrebell.com/rj.html

...then write a few product reviews yourself.

I can just about guarantee this will work for nearly anyone.


After I learned how to make money with affiliate marketing I “cheated” a bit on my product reviews...

I used a software program I had a programmer create called, Clickbank Commander. The software was able to create over 30,000 computer generated “reviews” instantly.

Basically I created a standard review template and the software filled in the blanks with thousands of product reviews for me automatically.

I then eventually added some RSS feeds and other elements to try to make each page seem somewhat unique, to avoid getting penalized by Google for duplicate content.

[Currently this is within the scope of the terms of services agreement of most affiliate marketing programs. A few might immediately close your account for doing this though. So don’t create computer generated reviews unless you don’t mind the risk of having an affiliate account closed, or unless you have multiple accounts and are willing to test doing the same on a ‘throw away’ account. I no longer create computer-generated reviews. I guess for me, it’s more of a matter of been-there-done-that. I tested it. It works. Now to move to something else. Oh. Earlier I mentioned a dude who’s made over $100,000 in a single month. This is exactly what he is doing right now. So to each his own...]

These reviews DID get indexed by Google but did NOT rank high in search engine results. But as you can imagine, the combined results of having over 30,000 affiliate product reviews out there generated some cool commissions I never did any real work to get. Was like getting free money in the mail every two weeks.

Well, I felt I had to tell you that so you have a complete picture of what I did to make money online. That way folks can’t later claim I was holding back some ‘secret’ details about my online successes.
What should you do?

If you have a little money:

a) setup your own websites and domains and post product reviews to the sites.

b) beg, trade, or buy QUALITY resell rights products. Then create write reviews for those products. That way you keep 100% of the commissions instead of share commissions with the owners of affiliate products. Or skip writing reviews and instead write high-converting sales letters of your own, if you have that skill. Not all do. Plus a sales letter requires you promote the sales page like crazy, online and offline. Seldom gets the same free attention the search engines give to product reviews.

Also, independent product reviews convert into sales much better than direct sales pitches. Think about it. What do people go online for? To get hammered at with sales messages or get free information?

For the most part people are looking for free information. Give it to them in the form of product reviews.

If you have no money at all:

If you don’t have $8 to register a domain name plus another $8 or $9 a month to host the domain, write reviews on free blog sites, social book marketing site, etc. Then link to an affiliate product you want to promote. Follow the steps in the rich jerk program.

You will get passive income from the search engines and from folks searching the topic within the social book marketing site. Honestly though, writing reviews on free sites will NOT work well if you are dealing with internet marketing products or other high interest niches.

If you are promoted something that appeals to internet marketers, they will ‘steal’ your commissions. For one they will remove your affiliate link when they visit the sales page and replace it with their own. That way they earn a commission off their own purchase instead of you earning it :-(

I once dropped the price of one of my products all the way down to $3 just to make a special offer to folks on a particular site. The product sold for way more to everyone else. Well, some slime bag on the forum took my $3 link and added his affiliate id and got the product for 70% commission paid to himself.

Come on. What kind of a loser rips you off on a three dollar sale?!!!

I was pissed. Though there was no loss to me (other than my damaged pride when he emailed me saying he did it for my ‘own good’ to protect me from others), I just couldn’t believe anyone would be this cheap.

Lesson is, there are crooks out there who will rob you for no reason other than that they are crooks. So you are better off concealing your real links to buy the products or better off sticking with product niches where the average buyer knows nothing about affiliate marketing. That’s pretty much all other categories of products being sold or promote online or offline.

Really, less than 1% of internet surfers are involved in internet marketing. So you are pretty safe using this strategy with those other niches. You might still get ripped off here and there by some scum bag and never know about it. But not to the same high degree as if you were promoting internet marketing stuff.
How to keep 70% of all sales

Oh. If you’re still looking for your first affiliate product to promote, check out my new software at http://www.seogoldsoftware.com/

The affiliate program currently pays out 70% commission for each sale.
Yes, that’s kind of high but because the products are delivered digitally my costs are low. Plus, since you are handling the bulk of generating an affiliate sale, you should get the bulk of the commission.

Also nice is the affiliate program allows you to see your clicks and conversions in real time. You always know when you’ve earned a commission. No guess work on when you will be getting paid.

Anyhow, the affiliate signup link is below.

Ok. That’s pretty much everything I wanted to say about promoting affiliate products online.

I hope something in here proves profitable to you.

Yours in success,

Andre Bell
* * *

How To Write Reviews:

I highly recommend www.hostgator.com if you plan to host your own websites.

Hostgator currently allows an unlimited number of domains on each account. That is really smart option if you are on a budget and plan to do your own promotions. It can be a bad idea if you plan to primarily do SEO to drive traffic to your site though.

Answering why that is is beyond the scope of this report. Just keep in mind when Google sees ‘clusters’ of sites grouped together, you lose a little credibility.

Long term, you are better off using several different hosts on different IP ranges for your sites. Otherwise everything you do gets grouped together in Google’s eyes. Good or bad.

To get started though, this isn’t much of an issue. But as time continues though, you might be better off to switch to your own dedicated servers.

Ok, all that was technical gobbly-gook. I had to mention it though because you will hear conflicting stories as you continue growing. Well, I said my piece on the subject, so no one can ever say I didn’t speak up beforehand.

Really, what you choose to do later down the line for hosting is your choice. It’s all on you.

I sold ClickBank Commander to a UK company as an exclusive license to resell the software. No clue what they are now doing with it. The site I originally hosted the software on is no longer online. Last I heard through the grapevine is that the company was earning six figures each month using that approach.

That's a heck of a lot of cash. I kick myself every time I think about what I sold off, out of being tricked by a partner to sell the company. Maybe I should've gotten rid of the partner instead. Lol.

Anyhow, if automated product reviews is the route you want to go, here’s something comparable to what ClickBank Commander could do.


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