Tuesday, October 13, 2009

9 Remarkable Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business

Nearly every company wants to make more money.

Or at the very least gain the peace of mind that the money they are already earning will continue coming in predictably, like clockwork.

But few people really have the time to make their marketing more effective....get better results....convert more leads....make more sales....and increase profits in the minimum time possible.

Basically, force every marketing dollar work harder - to do the job of 2 or 3 or 5 or 10 dollars. In fact, of all the companies I've advised over the years, only one came even close to realizing their full marketing and profit potential. On paper.

Even this client, as admirable as her efforts were, failed to reach true profit potential not because of a lack of knowledge, but because something always seemed to get in the way. Employee issues. Wasted dollars on image ads. And life in general just seemed to keep her off balance a little too much to really bear down and focus on systematic marketing programs.

Her dream of taking the company to new heights never materialized. The perils of focusing on working in her business instead of building her business eventually forced her out of business.

You may be in the same boat. Perhaps you're seeing lukewarm results. You aren't getting the number of qualified leads you need. You aren't increasing your customer base as quickly as you'd like. Or not at all. Sales are in a holding pattern. And you know you aren't generating the kind of profits you really need to keep your business healthy.

Well, it doesn't have to be that way.

Getting a handle on marketing an established company is far easier than most people ever imagine. It does take effort. But it isn't rocket science.

Usually there are just a few factors that are limiting profits. Fortunately there are 9 simple, inexpensive, powerful steps any company can take to leverage their marketing.

To make each of marketing dollar work as hard as possible to increase your effectiveness, boost your profits, and cut your expenses.

I've published a white paper called 9 Remarkable Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business. The white paper is free. Simple go to my main marketing blog and get a copy of the report.

Then you will know the exact nine steps needed to increase sales and recession-proof your business.
